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Streamlining Case Management: How Prescription Card Programs Enhance Workflow

CreoRX Attorney Web Portal

Establishing strong client relationships is pivotal for personal injury attorneys, and part of this relationship-building involves simplifying processes for both you and your client. CreoRx’s prescription card program offers a solution to streamline case management, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in personal injury practices.

The Traditional Approach:

In a previous blog, we highlighted the complexity of the traditional process involving numerous steps to secure medications for personal injury clients. This multi-step process often included extensive phone calls, faxes, and the issuance of checks. The introduction of CreoRx’s prescription card simplifies and expedites these procedures significantly..

How it works

CreoRX Infographic_Lifecycle of PI Client via CreoRx Solutions

The process is streamlined through the CreoRx prescription card program. Upon a client seeking representation from an attorney, the journey from initial contact to medication delivery involves just a few straightforward steps. Here’s the simplified timeline from beginning to end:

● The client experiences an accident.
● The client contacts and signs up with an attorney.
● The attorney enrolls the client on the CreoRx portal.
● The client receives a pharmacy benefit card on their phone and email.
● The client consults a medical provider and receives a prescription.
● The client visits their preferred local pharmacy and obtains the medication without any upfront cost.

Utilizing the user-friendly attorney portal, the prescription card program serves as a gateway to streamline medication access while providing attorneys with control.

Enhancing Productivity:


Maintain control and boost productivity by enrolling in the prescription card program. The attorney portal allows you to:

•  Manage medication access
• Control medication spending
•  Access and download invoices
•  Communicate with CreoRx
•  Submit reductions with a guaranteed four-hour response time

Pharmacy Convenience:

Exploring available pharmacy choices can pose a challenge for case managers, especially when seeking lien-accepting pharmacies that are conveniently located for clients. The process of finding such pharmacies can be time-consuming.

With CreoRx’s prescription card program, you gain access to a vast network of over 67,000 pharmacies across the nation. This eliminates the necessity to actively search for pharmacies accepting liens, substantially enhancing productivity for personal injury law firms. There’s no need to invest time in locating lien-accepting pharmacies; we’ve already optimized your efficiency.


While traditional methods of securing medications for personal injury patients may have sufficed in the past, a more efficient system is long overdue.

CreoRx’s unique prescription card program revolutionizes case management, enhancing practice productivity with just a few clicks of the mouse.


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