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Unlock the Benefits: Optimizing Practices for Attorneys with Prescription Card Program


In the dynamic landscape of legal processes, there exists the conventional, time-consuming approach and the innovative, efficient alternative. With CreoRx, personal injury attorneys, like yourself, can now seamlessly navigate the prescription management landscape using a modern paradigm.

Historically, personal injury attorneys grappled with the challenges of a labor-intensive “filing cabinet” mentality—opening and closing folders, files, and cases. However, the CreoRx approach revolutionizes this, offering a streamlined and automated system, significantly reducing touchpoints, and expediting the path to success.

The Value

CreoRx addresses critical pain points for personal injury law firms, including case manager interruptions, cost containment, and the identification of lien-accepting pharmacies. Our solution encompasses an attorney portal that provides:

●  Streamlined operations
●  Automated processes
●  Data accessibility
●  A vast pharmacy network
●  Financial management for efficient case handling

By saving time and resources, CreoRx ensures clients have access to superior care. How?

1. A Tech-Savvy Tool:

The CreoRx attorney portal leverages automation to transform how personal injury cases are managed. The online portal simplifies the case initiation process:

●  The case manager enrolls the client.
●  The case manager establishes medication spending limits to prevent cost overruns or misuse.
●  The client expeditiously receives a prescription benefit card through both text and email, accompanied by instructions on its utilization.
● The law firm receives a copy of the contract both by email and fax.

This straightforward process reflects the simplicity and speed that CreoRx introduces.

2. Empowering Control:


In addition to automation, CreoRx Solutions empowers attorneys with complete control. 

You can manage spending, deactivate/reactivate cards, discharge patients, request reductions, and approve/deny refills or non-contracted drugs—all without the need for phone or fax requests.

Through the portal, you enjoy 24/7 access to client medical records and printable, downloadable, and email-ready invoices. Communication with CreoRx agents and document uploads are secure, thanks to the portal’s HIPAA compliance.

3. Client-Centric Support and Time Efficiency:

Nurturing positive client relationships is crucial in personal injury cases. CreoRx contributes to this by offering a vast network of 67,000+ nationwide pharmacies. No more struggling to find lien-accepting pharmacies near a client’s home—now, clients can use their regular pharmacy, benefiting from prices 47% lower than those of local vendors. Minimizing time, while maximizing efficiency

Efficient Paymen, effective time management

The CreoRx Prescription Card Program presents a transformative approach to managing personal injury cases. No more grappling with pharmacy searches, lengthy phone calls, or waiting for faxes. Time is a valuable commodity, and with CreoRx, you gain both time and efficiency.


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