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Legal Eagles’ Toolkit: How to Advocate for Affordable Medications in Personal Injury Cases

Attorney signing documents at his desk infront of his client How to Advocate for Affordable Medications in Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury law firms are often challenged to secure medication for their clients. Necessary medication shouldn’t be an afterthought, especially when litigation can take months, so it’s crucial that you advocate on your clients’ behalf.

Unfortunately, this aspect of legal advocacy is frequently overlooked.

However, effective strategies can help your clients get quick access to affordable medications. Many attorneys are opting for pharmacy services such as those offered by CreoRx and our prescription benefit card, that provide direct access to a nationwide network of pharmacies to provide medication quickly and conveniently for injured clients

Timely Access to Medications

Illustration of black pharmacist giving medication to a white lady with an injured arm

Personal injury victims often need medication, but the legal process is complex. You can make sure your clients have access to meds when they need them.

Bryan Driscoll writes in Forbes that a number of factors—like the severity of injuries, the cost and time it takes to treat those injuries, and emotional and physical damage suffered by the victim—all impact the value of a personal injury case. 

  • Psychological Impact: Timely medication access can alleviate psychological harm and ensure that clients are better prepared to handle the strain of the legal process.

  • Legal leverage: Immediate access to necessary medication serves as tangible evidence of the client’s medical needs and their commitment to recovery, which can strengthen the case for higher compensation.

If you help your clients navigate their legal and healthcare hurdles during a personal injury case, this can have a significant impact on both the client’s health and legal outcomes. 

Strategies for Attorneys to Advocate for Affordable Medications

Attorneys are uniquely positioned to champion affordable healthcare solutions. Legal professionals wield negotiation tactics, legal expertise, and clear communication that can help secure medications for their clients without undue financial burden.

Targeted Negotiation Strategies

Attorneys who advocate for client access to medications can enhance their negotiation strategies by harnessing expert testimonies from healthcare professionals and explore settlement options that include immediate medication coverage.

  • Explore compromise and settlement options to find common ground where insurance companies may be willing to cover certain medications.
  • Use medical expert testimony to reinforce the necessity of specific medications.
  • Propose alternative solutions like more cost-effective generic versions of medications.
Subjective Legal Considerations

Your knowledge of healthcare laws and your ability to analyze a client’s insurance coverage is crucial. So is accurate, comprehensive documentation that can serve as pivotal evidence that proves the necessity of timely medication.

  • Stay informed on state and federal laws regarding healthcare and prescription coverage that you can leverage to support a client’s case.
  • Understand the client’s insurance policies thoroughly to argue for covered treatments.
  • Maintain meticulous records of prescriptions and medical advice as evidence to support the necessity of the medication.
Clear Communication Tactics

Attorneys need to facilitate discussions that clarify the complexities of legal and medical processes, mediate with healthcare providers to ensure client needs are met, and maintain persistent follow-ups to keep medication requirements central to the litigation process.

  • Be able to explain the legal and medical process (including potential costs and timelines) related to obtaining medications.
  • Serve as a mediator between clients and healthcare providers to ensure that medication needs are understood and met.
  • Regularly check in with all parties involved to keep the medication needs at the forefront of the legal process.

Streamline Medication Advocacy with Prescription Drug Cards


An increasing number of attorneys are turning to prescription card solutions—like the one offered by CreoRX—as a swift and straightforward solution to immediate medication access for their clients.

This strategy facilitates a faster acquisition of medication for clients at their usual pharmacies, aligning with legal precedents that prioritize client healthcare. Prescription card programs offer prompt access to prescribed medications, often at more affordable rates compared to local lien pharmacies. This can be a significant advantage throughout the extended duration of personal injury litigation.

If attorneys simplify the process of medication procurement, they can make sure their clients don’t face unnecessary struggles in their recovery journey.

Contact the CreoRX team today to learn more about our prescription drug card.


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