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How a Letter of Protection (LOP) Can Connect Injured Victims With the Prescription Medications they Need While a Claim is Pending

How a Letter of Protection (LOP) Can Connect Injured Victims With the Prescription Medications they Need While a Claim is Pending

Following a serious accident, an injured victim needs immediate medical care. A personal injury claim can cover the costs of medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Of course, legal claims take time. The victim’s medical needs are immediate, but it could take weeks, months, or even longer for them to secure financial compensation.

A Letter of Protection (LOP) can make the difference. It can be used to get a medical provider—including a pharmacist—to give treatment now based on settlement funds that are expected to come in the future. A pharmacy lien is a tool to connect injured victims with the prescription drugs that they need without delay.

High Prescription Drug Costs Pose a Potential Barrier to Treatment After an Accident

For accident victims, obtaining prescription medications can become a serious hurdle. The cost is the primary issue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around 9 million American adults skip necessary prescription medications each year because of the cost. Many accident-related injuries require specialized treatments and costly prescriptions.


A LOP is a document provided by a personal injury attorney on behalf of a client to medical providers, including pharmacies. The letter is an agreement that payment for medical services and prescriptions will be made from the proceeds of the client’s personal injury claim settlement or personal injury verdict. In other words, an LOP puts a “lien” on the settlement. The result is that medical services—including medication—can be provided upfront while the claim is pending.

A Letter of Protection Should Be Drafted By an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

An LOP is a complicated document. It should always be drafted by a top personal injury attorney. The nuances matter. A lawyer with experience negotiating terms with healthcare providers and pharmacies can ensure that the LOP is drafted properly. Among other things, it should clarify the conditions under which the medical expenses will be covered and settled. Precision drafting an LOP reduces the risk of legal complications.

Understanding Pharmacy Liens in Personal Injury Claims

In the context of a personal injury claim, a pharmacy lien is an agreement where the pharmacy agrees to wait for payment for prescription medications until the lawsuit is settled. Pharmacy liens are almost always secured with a Letter of Protection that is drafted by an attorney. To be clear, a lien is an enforceable right, meaning that a pharmacy that provides medications on the basis of an LOP will have a claim of a portion of future settlement/verdict funds. Proper drafting of an LOP helps to ensure that the lien is resolved without problems for any party.

CreoRx is a national pharmacy provider that works directly with lawyers and law firms to help them secure much-needed medications through a lien for their clients (injured victims). Solutions are available. Contact CreoRx today to learn more about the services.


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